Forums - help with Jill Show all 71 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- help with Jill ( Posted by Jaze on 05:20:2001 11:15 PM: help with Jill im a pretty good jill player, its just that i don't know who to pair her with. ive been using capcom and cyclops but thats only decent. any reccomendations? also, what assist type should i use with jill? Posted by Dynamyte2U on 05:21:2001 12:55 AM: Why do so many people use Jill? At my arcade, all the scrubs use Jill, only to get their asses whooped. My suggestion is: Don't use Jill! If you want to combo, use Magneto. Posted by Jaze on 05:21:2001 01:04 AM: quit dogging jill i didn't ask whether or not to use jill. just because scrubs at your arcade use jill doesn't mean that all jill players are scrubs. thats the same as saying that all doom/spiral/blackheart ect. players are the best in the universe. anyways i think that magneto is overrated and over used. everybody and their mother uses him at my arcade (ps. they're scrubs too, i always destroy them with jill), so its not like your opponent is going to see anything new. the key is to use characters that others haven't seen, so it throws them off. isn't everybody tired of only using people like cable, capcom, blackheart, sentinel ect.? i know i am. Posted by Naslectronical on 05:21:2001 01:24 AM: Re: quit dogging jill You need help with Jill? Posted by BlackShinobi on 05:21:2001 02:07 AM: DynamYte2U - If gambit can get a fifteen game win streak on the day of a tournament the is hope for any character Jaze - I haven't used jill in a while so I probably don't know anything you don't, but I do know that her best assist is her dash assist. oh yeah and since you have two characters with jill whose best assist is anti air you might want to switch to a character that has a good expasion or dash type to aid jill's rushdown. Posted by batsu13 on 05:21:2001 02:12 AM: Jil is NOT a scrub player. People just say that becuase they never gave her any time to grow. She is not the best character but thing to remeber: She has that return fire move. Use it. A lot. Also remember to call your zombies a lot as well. As for assist, you might wanna use psy. AAA and Doom AAA. If you want more details post or PM me! Posted by mixup on 05:21:2001 04:57 AM: use jill(heal) Storm (variety) sentinel (ground) I know you said that you didn't want to play a cheap team, but at least try out jill w/ storm she provides cool opportunities to land some zombie rush down and jills air combo into hailstorm helps alot, just dont play cheap storm:P Posted by EvilKen02 on 05:21:2001 06:13 AM: Don't use the heal type assist. It's not worth it IMHO. I'd rather use her dash asisst. The dash type can be used to cross up your opponent, (I used to do that, until I figured out Jill wasn't my style, I'm a Shotokan player) and if they block, np because you're hitting the opponent to cover for Jill (hopefully). The heal type isn't really handy; I don't get into many situations where I can call in Jill and get the herb to heal a SUBSTANCIAL amount of life in the game. Well, enough out of me for today. Posted by scooter on 05:21:2001 06:21 AM: Like the people said before, use a lot of zombies, and get the air combo down. I would probably use IM(AAA), Jill (dash), Doom(AAA) as I believe her dash is her best assist. Besides, I've seen one really cool thing happen with it. My friend was playing some guy, and my friend was playing with IM, well the other guy just called out an assist and was preparing to rush IM down, but IM beat him to it and knocked him back. So instantly he calls out jill, and does the Proton Cannon, The Other guy along with his assist get hit. End of Story. It's a really good assist to cross up people with as it knocks them back. Posted by Akira Llamo on 05:21:2001 01:22 PM: Re: quit dogging jill quote: Originally posted by Jaze i didn't ask whether or not to use jill. just because scrubs at your arcade use jill doesn't mean that all jill players are scrubs. thats the same as saying that all doom/spiral/blackheart ect. players are the best in the universe. anyways i think that magneto is overrated and over used. everybody and their mother uses him at my arcade (ps. they're scrubs too, i always destroy them with jill), so its not like your opponent is going to see anything new. the key is to use characters that others haven't seen, so it throws them off. isn't everybody tired of only using people like cable, capcom, blackheart, sentinel ect.? i know i am. Hey there , Good to hear that you know that Jill is a great player, I play with her alot my self against people in the arcade and one of my friends. He is what you can call one of my rivals but anyhow. Keep practicing and don't let anyone miss use Jills name cause she's damn good. On any grounds. I just wanted to say something. Gouken Posted by Archangel21 on 05:21:2001 02:22 PM: jill> dash or heal Psylocke> AAA because you can combo that up. im a jill user and i managed to beat a lot of people but only those who are not cheating. some people just stay in the corner with their assist and never fight back. that's really annoying though but oh well. and keep capcom anti air. Posted by disgruntled goa on 05:21:2001 02:32 PM: Try Psylocke AAA. If it hits, just launch them for an easy air combo. Try Jill (dash)/Sentinal (ground)/Psylocke (AAA). Use Jill's Dash assist. Sentinal drones makes it a bit safer for Jill to call zombies and it really helps her get close to the opponent. Watch out for other anti air assists though, Jill just doesn't have the speed to avoid them like Mag's or Storm can. Posted by Akira Llamo on 05:21:2001 02:36 PM: My usual team with Jill is Cammy and Cyclops or someone with an AAA. Its good to have both AAA and someone with a projectile to back up Jill specially when she does her rushing elbow move. But its true, its hard to get around with people that only stay in the back shooting fire balls or blasts like Cable,Doom,Cyclops, etc... but thats when you jump in the air do an assist and do your air rushing elbow rush (or whatever its called) or just get someone else who has a double jump. Posted by Jaze on 05:21:2001 03:30 PM: thanks thanks for all the help. i'll try the psylocke/sentinel idea as well as the doom/IM idea. i usually don't have trouble with people trying to rush Jill down, because if they do i'll pretty much switch it up and rush them down. people who stand in the corner and throw projectiles aren't really a big problem. i can usually get around their traps by sacrificing a couple hits off one of my assist characters if worst comes to worst. Posted by Dasrik on 05:21:2001 08:08 PM: Jill has a lot of problems that you need to recognize if you insist on using her. First, her keepaway game sucks. Most likely, you're going to bean an assist with dogs or crows, and it will do nothing to keep the point character out. And the zombies basically can't take a hit, so it's not worth your time to call them. You have to focus on her rushdown game, because it's her only strength. Use the slide to close distance. It's a decent move, and can get around a surprising number of stuff. For the love of God, don't ever rely on OTGing after the slide. If you come to rely on it, you'll become screwed whenever your opponents figure out how to roll. Since Jill is a rushdown oriented character, she's going to have to deal with AAAs. It's preferable that you have one of your own. Draw the opponent's assist out, hit it with your own assist, and rush in to try to get a hit. You should know which combo to do by now. Lastly, with all that aside, use her dogs and crows, but not as keepaway. Instead, use them basically as projectiles to hit assists with. This helps your game somewhat. Again, just stay away from the zombies, they won't get you anywhere unless your opponent has no distance game at all. Even Magneto can air EMD a zombie. One last note. Don't ever try to use her magnum counter. You can't counter air attacks, so you basically have to wait for a ground hit, which will more than likely never come. Posted by Archangel21 on 05:22:2001 01:58 PM: Jaze are you going to use Jill on your team because i can help you use her and explain the strategies easy. since none of you how to use her permanently and that rush down thing. if you want then i'll tell you just ask me so people won't say bad thing about her. Posted by Smiley on 05:22:2001 02:03 PM: jill's an ok character, not top tier, but hey, tiers aren't all that count, rite? anywho, try calling out a slow zombie and just keep jumping. the opponent can't see where the zombie is cause t doesn't have that assist arrow that pops up basically, she's a pixie that doesn't have the rush-down capabilities of mags, but she has those damn zombie thing. Posted by Bruton on 05:22:2001 02:43 PM: I'd say DO use zombies, namely the LK ones and then ground them fast. They are almost completely invincible on the ground... only a few things can kill them... like Sakura's dash assist, and other attacks which hit low. CapCom's AAA won't kill grounded zombies, or an AHVB, or many other things(like I said,only a few low attacks can actually kill them), and they will grab Juggernaut out of his Headcrush. I recommend this against some rushdown teams... because if they jump over a zombie and attack, you can pushblock them into it. Don't do this against keepaway teams though. Her slide is good... I'm not overly fond of it due to rolling potential, but sliding is a very good way to stop people with super armour. Overall, I say rushdown. Posted by Dasrik on 05:22:2001 04:38 PM: quote: Originally posted by Archangel21 Jaze are you going to use Jill on your team because i can help you use her and explain the strategies easy. since none of you how to use her permanently and that rush down thing. if you want then i'll tell you just ask me so people won't say bad thing about her. I deign to say that if you get frustrated by "cheaters" who "jump back and call assists", you have no right to offer any strategy on anything. Posted by Jaze on 05:22:2001 04:50 PM: i would appreciate the advice archangel. any advice is welcome. also, dasrik, i think that we've all been frustrated by people who just sit back and call assists (i know you did when you first started). anyhow, anyone can give advice, thats the point of the forum. every person has the right to post what they want to think, thats the beauty of the 1st amendment. by the way, its not your call as to who can give advice. just think you should remember that. Posted by Dasrik on 05:22:2001 05:35 PM: The First Amendment be damned. You should seek advice from knowledgable people, and I wouldn't trust someone who thinks "jumping back and calling assists" is cheating. Posted by Archangel21 on 05:22:2001 10:00 PM: Jaze here is the trick with the zombie. d. lk, d. lk, d, hk then call the munching zombie. eventually people always roll to your back when you trip them. then the zombie will pop out and grab them from behind. when that happens use some air combos or just do another one. this is one of the coolest trick i ever done to my arcade. it's so useful that i don't even have to call my assist. it builds up my meter level and if by anychance i have enough then do a DHC. also if you are playing with storm this would be the good time to use the tyrant. storms assist is projectile. if you follow this up with the zombie, assist storm with jump lk, jump lk, dash hk then use the tyrant. this would be your most damaging combo with one person. i have more if you want then i'll just PM you cuz it will be long. hope this helps good luck Posted by Jaze on 05:22:2001 11:38 PM: dasrik if you'll look at the combos posted under your reply, ill think that you'll find out that Archangel21 is pretty knowledgable on how to use jill. also, if it wasn't for the first amendment, we wouldn't have this forum. think about that. Posted by Jaze on 05:22:2001 11:39 PM: dasrik Archangel21-i use the crouch, lk, crouch, lk, crouch hk alot, its just that nobody rolls afterwards. any advice on what to use if they don't roll? Dasrik-if you'll look at the combos posted under your reply, ill think that you'll find out that Archangel21 is pretty knowledgable on how to use jill. also, if it wasn't for the first amendment, we wouldn't have this forum. think about that. Posted by The Jedi Knight on 05:23:2001 12:58 AM: jill is cool and all and fun to play with but she cant take a beating...2 or 3 combos and she's peaced out also if you think that calling your assist is cheating...your stupid...its in the game and its something that you have to overcome Posted by Akira Llamo on 05:23:2001 01:34 AM: I have a comment about what you just said Jedi, I think what he means is when people just stand and cheece the hell out of the game. Like using cable, cyclops and only throwing beams and fireballs and just doing cheece damage. Thats one sorry way of saying you plain suck Posted by Joe Darque on 05:23:2001 01:56 AM: i use Jill with Sentinel and War-Machine. i use her on dash assist because it covers alot of ground and you can even start the IM-WM infinate with it. also with sentinel you have a good keep away.... call repeated Cerberus and Crow combinations, call Sentinel ground assist, while Sentinel is on screen call a flamming zombie, continue with birds and crows and sentinel drowns while the flammming zombie its on screen, repeat. Posted by The Jedi Knight on 05:23:2001 02:24 AM: ok akira.....if you think that calling your assist "cheece the hell out of the game" then tell me how duc alex and all those guys win? what they do to win cheating? Posted by Archangel21 on 05:23:2001 01:52 PM: Jaze when you do the crouch lk, crouch lk, crouch hk then they fall in the ground right, then you just do crouch lk, crouch hp. then do an air combo. she slides and then when the opponent is in the ground you can follow that up in to air combo. so either way you can do this or do the zombie one. Posted by Jaze on 05:23:2001 01:55 PM: thanks thanks for the advice archangel! i always use that crouch lk, crouch lk,crouch hk, combo, but i never knew what to do after it. send those combos to me when you get the chance,i would really appreciate it. Posted by Archangel21 on 05:23:2001 10:04 PM: that's why a lot of people think that Jill is not good but she is. you just have to know the moves and other stuff like that. her dash thing; you can charge that up by doing half cirlce joystick move and holding either lp or hp but i always use the hp. just like megaman when you charge the buster and let go. if you charge it enough then her dash will be bigger than before. and same thing with her bazooka but it goes even further. the shots can reach to the other side of the characters side when you do this. ok Jaze this is for today so i'll follow it up more tomorrow with the assist to combo stuff ok. hope that you'll enjoy using her.peace out Posted by Jaze on 05:23:2001 11:25 PM: thanks i used the sweep to lk combo today, and it was awesome. probably the best move in my arsenal now. i knew you could charge jill's dash, but not her bazooka. funny story with the dash charge, i ended up charging it for a very long time then i released it and canceled it in to her super dash and completely destroyed my opponent's life bar. Posted by ShhhLong on 05:24:2001 02:07 AM: When ever i use jill i like to team her up with CapCom and IM. I think its a pretty decent team. You can also link all three supers togther to do some major damage, but i guess thats obvious. Posted by Mr. E on 05:24:2001 03:13 AM: christ, if you think c. lk, c. lk, c. hk, otg c. lk, c. fp is an actual combo, you must play in a mall arcade. it's rollable, and EASILY avoidable. Jill's a fun character, but she has some SERIOUS problems with her game. Zombies suck, they aren't worth the risk. Ground zombies are kinda funny though, damned ankle biters. Her counter thing is pretty lame, since you'll never get it started (doesn't work on air). Her assists are all generally weak, but dash is probably the best out of the three. Heal assist is just useless. Her aircombo (magic series into rush xx super rush) does decent damage, and is easy enough to pull off. Abuse it. The rest of her supers suck. The zombie super's a nice way to finish a match though. j. fp is a good jump in move, has pretty good priority and sets up numerous ground combos. Problem is, jill doesn't have the mobility/speed to get close to most of the keepaway characters in game, and she can't safely punish assists. She probably will benefit best from either a combo oriented aaa (i.e. Psy/clops) or doom. Psy/clops lets her land her bread n' butter aircombo, and doom gives her some much needed offensive power. Sent would also be a good pairing. His gamma assist will cover your rush down tracks, and since she doesn't use too much meter, sent will benefit from those extra HSFs. Also with sent, I figure you can probably DHC from her rush super to HSF for some MAJOR damage. Lastly, if you can't deal with someone jumping back calling assists, you probably have more to worry about than just figuring out good jill strats. Namely, learning how to actually play the game. Posted by Mr. E on 05:24:2001 03:14 AM: errrrrrrrr... regarding the zombie super, I meant to say it's an ENTERTAINING way to finish off a match. Style over substance damnit! Posted by Adept on 05:24:2001 06:37 AM: I play with a guy who's Jill is absoulutely dominating. He just plays very carefully, but still puts on a lot of pressure. Anyway, he uses storm's AAA. He's figured out a way to combo into the Tyrant super. I think it's dash in,, storm's AAA, s.rh, into tyrant. Something like that, but he pulls it off like once a game at least. The most evil part of this como is that while Tyrant is throwing you around, he calls out a zombie. So when the super ends, if you roll, you're caught by the zombie, and it's another free combo. If you don't roll, he just OTG's you into AC. Truly frigtening. Posted by Mr. E on 05:24:2001 07:25 AM: storm doesn't have an aaa. Posted by Adept on 05:24:2001 07:31 AM: I forgot what it's called, the vertical wind tunnels. Obviously not a storm player. Posted by Mr. E on 05:24:2001 07:51 AM: vertical typhoon, blah jill sucks, she's slow, bad endurance, useless moves, can't really pressure, horrible DHC's, and no keepaway game. Nice beret though! Posted by ShinAkuma31 on 05:24:2001 09:00 AM: ULTIMATE SET-UP Heres the team setup Jill/Heal (have to have this , ill explain later) Doom/AAA Strider/Ground or if youre that damn good, Strider/Ground Doom/AAA Jill/Heal The second set up is the best as you can start the match with Strider/Doom trap. If your strider is getting chipped away or took some hits, no problem, you should have a bar ready so call ourobuos (with no Doom AAA) and force them into blockstun (this is really easy, strider can still throw out orbs even while blocking, while they are in blockstun, call Jills Heal assist to heal your red bar(repeatedly). This lengthens your Strider as point therefore more Strider/Doom time to wear your opponent. Once Strider is worn down to half life or even a quarter, call ouroburos and throw orbs into blockstun and switch to Jill, immediately use counter incase they try and combo, you may not even need to use counter. (If fighting Cable, ignore this and just DHC to Doom Photon Array) With Doom (assuming you DHC'd), heres where Striders Ground comes into play, jump hp, call Strider (this forces the opponent into blockstun) then superjump into 2 photon spreads and repeat. When you have 3+ bars, hop into the air (sj) and throw a photon array. DHC into rocket launcher super and your Jill will be safe. Jills main gameplan is to hit your opponent with your close fighting+ super using all bars that doom gained. She has links into this super wheather in the air or ground so i hope you know them. This super takes from 53 damage (above average) on all characters to 60+ damage (insane) on the characters with low defense such as Wolvie and Akuma. When Jill has run out of supers, it doesnt mean she just lost all means of taking bars effortlessly. Heres something to think about.... WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING WITH STRIDER?!! Thats right folks, Jill/Doom trap, heres the exact method: Call doom,call bird, call zombie (flaming) call dog, call bird, call dog (repeat until zombie bounces off your opponent) then repeat starting from Doom assist. There is a way to get out of this but there is also a point to where your opponent cant get out. This gains meter for your strider which by now has full health. Finish the battle with a carefully played Strider/Doom. Switch to strider by calling either your bird or dog (at full screen) and then switching. Or wait for them to mess up and then switch to knock them out immediately going into strider/doom. I hope this helps your Jill as it has mine. Gotta go, lates. Posted by Archangel21 on 05:24:2001 01:50 PM: Jaze. ok that's cool now here's how to use the bazooka., crouch. lk, crouch. hk, half circle joystick motion plus lp>>>>dash then quickly the bazooka. this is timing but if you want the easy one just jump. lk, jump. lk, lp, lp bazooka. it's good to hear you play Jill. Jill will rule your arcade if you keep practicing. Posted by Jaze on 05:24:2001 04:51 PM: archangel21 as always, thanks archangel21. by the way, Mr. E, you probably didn't read archangel21's earlier post. after the crouching hk, you go for the OTG crouch lk, then crouching hp (launcher). if they roll, like you pointed out, you just throw a lk zombie that will grab them when they stand up. even if its blocked, jill still had the advantage and can procede to rush down her opponent. Posted by Rain_Takayama on 05:24:2001 06:16 PM: Mr. E Are you the Planet Namek Mr. E? Just wondering... But, I was wondering if I should make Jill my second. what do you think? Posted by Lakitu on 05:24:2001 11:27 PM: I've read some of the post here and most were pretty interesting. i consider jill to be one of my better characters in MvC2 so i figured i'd share my opinion. I usually pair jill(dash) with tron(projectile). I vary the third character depending on the crowd. most of the time it's morrigan(anti-air) or B.B. Hood(projectile). Two things need to happen for jill to win a match. 1) she has to stay fairly close to her opponent. Not right up their ass or anything, but close enough to poke with that deceptive range of hers. 2) she has to keep her opponent on the ground When I'm on the offensive with jill I rush down and use a lot of crossover tactics (usually with tron). Less experienced players will lose to this alone, and the match is over in 25 seconds. But anyone who knows how to play the game will block most of these attempts at the start of the game. To counter this I take advantage of jill's throw. after a blocked tron assist when my opponent expects me to continue to rush down, I simply throw. After a few throws most opponents loosen up their block, as they are unsure whether I'm going to throw or attack. This allows jill to do what she does best... combo Jill has a lot of good techniques, but most of them become quite useless if you get to predictible. So to survive with jill u gotta mix it up. Jill's counter is a good move to keep your opponent on his/her toes. use it when you're near an opponent who is just getting up or comming out of block stun. if you make it look like you're going to throw, then you'll catch them as they try to counter it. It does the most damage if you do 9 hits. Jill's dash is probably the only move of hers that you can abuse and get away with. The jab version comes out very quickly and can be used to OTG after her slide. Throw these out a lot and it will help you stay on an opponent. The charged elbow is also good, but you lose the ability to launch and throw the jab elbow tackle, so i don't use it often. Zombies are also good against certain characters. Only call them when it's safe, like when your opponent is in the air or on the floor (getting up). The bad thing about them is that they die easily. so if you can, try to dash in front of your zombie after you call him, and block any projectiles that might take him down. Try and kick the regular zombie at your opponent as a surprise move, or set it up so they land on a grounded zombie. Also remember that while zombies are normally un-blockable, if there is something else on the screen that is blockable (like a zombie dog) when the zombie is about to hit, then your opponent can block. hmm... this is getting kinda long, so i'll end on this note. jill's deceptive range and priority allow her to throw out assist with little risk. to most players it will even look like jill is too far to counter an attack on the assist character. so when an opponent tries to punish your assist with a special or super, dash in and use her slide or j.short (sometimes j.rh too) these attacks can counter a wide range of supers. Only thing I wouldn't try it against is AHVB or MOB. l8r Posted by Esthar SD on 05:25:2001 12:11 AM: Why jill is so good... Jill is not a character to be overlooked... When i first came to the arcade nobody used jill, hahah and the funny thing is noone still dunt!!! Exept for a hand-full...and trust me, the people that used her where goood!! Jill has execeled time and time agian...proving that she is indeed a top combo character. Jill can be used in many ways and not just as a dash character but also a keep-away Her Kinkyuu Kaihi(Dog), Kinkyuu Kaihi A (Raven) , Kinkyuu Kaihi B (Normal) , Kinkyuu Kaihi B (Fire) are pretty crazy against short-range characters, and large characters too!! This prooves that jill has more to offer than most people expect! Although, dont go crazy using this because the minute jill pauses to call out on of her dead friends she may or could get chipped to death.. But if played with proper strategy this keep away techniqe could go far. Now jill is as much as a combo character as cable is keep away.and with the proper assists she can go far, all it takes is a little time mastering her technique to be a t full potential with jill. Her most common combos is jump in deep, j.lp,,, c.hp /\ sj.lp,,,, Kinsetsu Sentou A, Kinsetsu Sentou A+ This works well agianst almost any character is quick and does fairly good damage. dashing is also a great set-up for combos and supers!! Be warned if you use Ousen Shageki to much your in for a quick death only us it at the most oppertune times.otherwise if you use this move far to much without proper timing, the result could be fatal. Jill is great for corner attacks, fast stratigic supers althoughas great as jill may be she is horrible agianst anti-air attackers so when fighting with jill fight with caution! But ultimately if the character does not suit your fighting standards, pick one that does, tiers arent always the best!! Posted by Esthar SD on 05:25:2001 12:14 AM: Why jill is so good... Jill is not a character to be overlooked... When i first came to the arcade nobody used jill, hahah and the funny thing is no one still dunt!!! Exept for a hand-full...and trust me, the people that used her where goood!! Jill has execeled time and time agian...proving that she is indeed a top combo character. Jill can be used in many ways and not just as a dash character but also a keep-away Her Kinkyuu Kaihi(Dog), Kinkyuu Kaihi A (Raven) , Kinkyuu Kaihi B (Normal) , Kinkyuu Kaihi B (Fire) are pretty crazy against short-range characters, and large characters too!! This prooves that jill has more to offer than most people expect! Although, dont go crazy using this because the minute jill pauses to call out on of her dead friends she may or could get chipped to death.. But if played with proper strategy this keep away techniqe could go far. Now jill is as much as a combo character as cable is keep away.and with the proper assists she can go far, all it takes is a little time mastering her technique to be a t full potential with jill. Her most common combos is jump in deep, j.lp,,, c.hp /\ sj.lp,,,, Kinsetsu Sentou A, Kinsetsu Sentou A+ This works well agianst almost any character is quick and does fairly good damage. dashing is also a great set-up for combos and supers!! Be warned if you use Ousen Shageki to much your in for a quick death only us it at the most oppertune times.otherwise if you use this move far to much without proper timing, the result could be fatal. Jill is great for corner attacks, fast stratigic supers althoughas great as jill may be she is horrible agianst anti-air attackers so when fighting with jill fight with caution! But ultimately if the character does not suit your fighting standards, pick one that does, tiers arent always the best!! Posted by Mr. E on 05:25:2001 03:26 AM: otg rolled = free character change. it also equals you losing a lot of momentum and distance. Zombies? ZOMBIES? what kind of crack are you smoking? You can't call zombies behind your opponent. This is what happens: c. lk, c. lk, c. hk, opponent rolls, c. lk (whiff), c. hp (whiff), call zombies. Zombies comes out behind you, aka a screen away from your opponent. OR if you have better anticipation/reflexes c. lk, c. lk, c. hk, opponent rolls, (whiff), call zombie. which will still call the zombie behind you/away from opponent. BTW you do realize she can do approximately zero things against these characters: spiral, doom, storm, cable, sentinel, blackheart Spiral knives will trap her ALL day, and with Jill's pretty half assed mobility, reloading is not a concern for Spiral. Doom can rain photon's a jump fierces all day. all night. Storm can keepaway for eons and cross you up/rushdown when you're frustrated. Jill's too slow to keep up with storm's air games. Cable can keepaway with jump fierce xx grenade/viper beam. And with zero ability to punish viper beams, you're screwed since they push you a screen away. Sent will just either bitch slap (sj. fierce) or stomp her into the ground. She's too slow in the air to escape sent traps, and doesn't do enough damage to punish him for flight (Rush super does something like 20% damage non-combo scaled). Blackheart can rain demons and outprioritize almost all of jill's attacks with his tail. After he builds a buttload of meter, he can always chip the crap out of her with inferno xx HOD. Even with the right assist to stop half this stuff, Jill has nothing someone else doesn't have better. Oh yeah, the beret but aside from that, you're either better off with a Cammy (does everything jill does, beret and all, better) or a psylocke. Precisely what does jill have that people like so much? if it's style, well, I can't help you there. Please explain why you guys like her so damn much. Posted by Archangel21 on 05:25:2001 02:00 PM: Esthar SD read my earlier post in this forum. maybe u'll understand what me and Jaze are talking about. and Jaze: u know how to use the tyrant right? if you don't let me know ok so i can put some moves down for yah ok. Posted by Jaze on 05:25:2001 03:38 PM: archangel21- i don't usually use her tyrant super. usually i'll save supers for her air rush or other characters to use. does the tyrant super work OTG? Mr. E- since you don't understand what im talking about, ill clarify for you. crouch lk, crouch lk, crouch hk then throw zombie if they roll. you only do otg lk crouch hp if they don't roll. she can actually do something about those characters, but i have to go to class now so ill post it later. Posted by Esthar SD on 05:25:2001 06:12 PM: tou got some good point arcangel yah but i was giving my personal opinion jill is like mah third fav...but yah Posted by Mr. E on 05:25:2001 06:26 PM: damn, well you got me, since you're playing a 50/50 guessing game. unless you have reactions that allow you to switch from, c. hp (which needs to be done right away after c. hk in order to OTG) to calling a zombie (which also needs to be chained in order for it to come off screen). Half the time, you'll probably end up whiffing your chance at an otg. BTW, I have a perfect understanding of what you're talking about, I'm just arguing that it doesn't work. If you wanna play these kind of mind games, why not play mags? this thread here is pretty silly. Jill sucks. End of story. her pressure tactics are sad, and her aircombo is nothing special. Calling zombies/pets as a keepaway? I'm pretty sure you haven't played anyone with a beam super. christ, all this talk about zombies. THEY SUCK. Do you not understand that almost every other character in the game kills jill? Hell, spider man probably has more offensive potential than jill. She adds nothing to a team. I just don't understand people's fascination with this crappy character. Please, explain why you like her? Since, it can't because of her moves/speed/damage etc. There are several other characters that do all that she can do, but better. Why not storm, or even wolverine? Unless you're a resident evil fan, why in god's green earth would you use jill? Posted by Jaze on 05:25:2001 08:39 PM: the guessing game works, for me, and heres why: you have to hit down lk if you're going to OTG right? and you have to start with the joystick at down anyways if you're gonna call a zombie. so i just crouch and if he rolls, quickly roll the joystick back and hit lk, or if he doesn't (because most people at my arcade are scrubs), then do OTG lk. here's why i like jill: i think that she has decent pressure tactics (although some people disagree w/me). i attempt a combo with her, and if my opponent blocks i stop moving, then call capcom anti-air. me stopping usually tricks them into attacking, at which point the captains corridor nails them. also, she can be played two different ways depending on the team that you face. if she is playing against a character w/ no beam and helpers that have no beams, then she can stay back, throw zombies and dogs, use an anti air to keep you opponent back and slowly chip away at her opponent. if she is playing against somebody that does have a beam, then she can play pressure since people with beams are usually slow. her aircombo is decent, when paired with the right people. after her rushing super, i cancel into capcom's captains sword, then i cancel again into a beam characters super. this does good damage. she doesn't need to have great speed, or even great damage to be effective. i play a good pressure game with her, and i can hit enough combos to peace out most characters. also, i usually don't play keepaway, only if i want to embarass scrubs. im not very partial to storm and mags. i know that they kick ass at pressuring people, but its just that they're overused. too many people have seen their tactics, and they usually have some kind of game with them isn't any thing special. i figure if i can use relatively obscure characters, my opponent won't know their tactics and i will beat them. i know jill isn't as good as some top tier characters, but thats okay for me. i play her effectively, and it works, thats all that matters. P.S- any good jill player can pound the living shit out of a good wolverine or spiderman character. believe me i know from experience. Posted by vipersword on 05:25:2001 10:42 PM: the team i use with jill is guile, charlie, n jill. i do guile's kicking super then i DHC into charlie's kicking super into jill's tyranny super. Posted by Jaze on 05:25:2001 11:59 PM: jill and capcom i've been using jill and captain commando as of late. i believe that they are a very strong duo when used correctly. any reccomendations for a third character? i've been switching between IM, Cable, Cyclops, and Sentinel. which one of them would you reccomend that i use, or should i use a third character thats completely different? any advice on this one archangel? Posted by Mr. E on 05:26:2001 07:51 AM: Psylocke might be a better aaa to go with jill if you're very combo reliant for damage. Of course, Cable's always a good choice, since jill really doesn't use up that much meter. Storm projectile/sent ground are good assists to setup some pressure tactics, and both are excellent characters. If you're set on using the captain, Sent really benefits well from his assist. Posted by mixup on 05:26:2001 11:01 AM: jill doom and capt commando are a really good team, as are jill storm(variety) and sentinel. i put jill on heal and if she takes too much damage, bring storm in and use the heal assist in conjunction with a hailstorm to have storm land right in the life up. you can also use storms variety assist to do some cool zombie set-ups, the zombies really aren't that bad if you're up against a set of characters who when properly put in guard stun have trouble getting out of the zombies way, her air combo to hailstorm is good too. Posted by Archangel21 on 05:29:2001 02:14 PM: Jaze you need either to DHC or use an assist in order for the tyrant to work. it is the most powerful super she has and makes more damage. Posted by Dasrik on 05:29:2001 05:24 PM: Something I noticed about Jill yesterday when my brother was using him at the mall: Her dash assist comes from all the way behind you, not where you were when you called the assist like most others'. This is an interesting little thing that CAN be worked with. Besides keeping Jill from having to worry about her startup time too much, it can help you keep someone in the corner. This could be very nice in some zoning games with a little work, although it's not too useful for rushdown purposes. Posted by Archangel21 on 05:31:2001 01:58 PM: if anyone here doesn't like Jill in this thread forum then we don't need your opinion. this forum is to help out people who like jill not to judge her and saying she sucks and other stuff so if you guys don't like her then bug someone else. Posted by jeu3 on 05:31:2001 02:50 PM: I am trying to get into practicing Jill of late, because she is an extremly fun character to use. I try to pick either Heal or Dash type assists, depending on whether I have a good character to cover her heal type well. Problem is Jill truly has no good assists when it comes down to it, so I usually wind up just burning her up until she dies or I win. Best bet is rush down with someone good to blockdamage chip, like Iceman or Doom and someone with good AAA like Cyclops, CapCom, or Cammy (depending on which type of teams you are facing). Do not forget about her long dashing sweep. You can OTG them after it into the air combo and as long as you have a decent assist to keep them in blockstun until she recovers it relatively safe on anyone but Cable. The Sweep will go right under most shots, beams, and AAA's that don't start low to the ground (Cyclops) if timed well. If anyone else has some decent tips as to how to keep the pressure on the rushdown let me know. I seem to have problems with pushblocking and good Cable players. -=jeu=- Posted by Archangel21 on 06:01:2001 01:55 PM: good one anyone else have a question? i can help! Posted by jeu3 on 06:02:2001 08:38 PM: quote: Originally posted by Archangel21 good one anyone else have a question? i can help! Would DHC from arctic attack aircombo work? Never tried it. -=jeu=- Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 06:02:2001 10:56 PM: Well, you could try the hcf+lp after the slide. Also, every once in a while you can counter after the slide, catches so many people. Just don't do it too often, or else they will catch on and kill you. Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 06:02:2001 10:57 PM: oops, must have been reading the first page, sorry bout that. Posted by Jaze on 06:03:2001 07:08 PM: recently at the SHGL tournament, somebody placed 4th using IM/Jill/Akuma. i always thought that she wasn't used in the big tournaments.guess i was wrong. Posted by Supergeek on 06:03:2001 07:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by Jaze recently at the SHGL tournament, somebody placed 4th using IM/Jill/Akuma. i always thought that she wasn't used in the big tournaments.guess i was wrong. Hell, nobody uses Akuma in tournaments. Posted by Jaze on 06:03:2001 10:29 PM: quote: quote: Hell, nobody uses Akuma in tournaments. i know, thats why i was surprised. anybody there wanna tell me how the guy played the team? Posted by ViPeRsTaR 069 on 06:04:2001 12:50 AM: he probably used the infinite off of akuma's expansion assist. he also probably did dash super then into the shoryuken super into a proton cannon. then he connected the proton cannon with jill's dash assist or akuma's expansion. Posted by Archangel21 on 06:04:2001 01:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by jeu3 Would DHC from arctic attack aircombo work? Never tried it. -=jeu=- sorry but that won't do it. you really like iceman? well i'll try to make something up and tell you ok. Posted by Archangel21 on 06:04:2001 02:02 PM: quote: Originally posted by Jaze i know, thats why i was surprised. anybody there wanna tell me how the guy played the team? [/QUOTE] my theory is that he used jill as an assist>>> the dash one and when she pops put then akuma jump on the other side and then did the raging demon. although it's kinda hard to do it but i guess the guy that was playing fell for it. Posted by jeu3 on 06:05:2001 04:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by Archangel21 sorry but that won't do it. you really like iceman? well i'll try to make something up and tell you ok. Iceman is fun as hell to play and multitalented as well. One of my favorites. -=jeu=- All times are GMT. The time now is 01:51 AM. Show all 71 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.